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Sherriff-Goslin Roofing

Ranked Top 10 Best Siding Contractors in Lafayette, IN

Sherriff-Goslin Roofing

Fabulous! based on 50+ data points.
The CLAD Siding Rating Index (CSRI) is an impartial score of the best siding contractors in a city.

About Sherriff-Goslin Roofing

Established in 1906, Sherriff-Goslin Roofing is the most recommended roofing company across the Midwest. With over a century of experience and a network of branches across Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio, it has cemented its status as an industry leader with a reputation for excellence, adaptability, reliability, and integrity. This firm’s commitment to quality and safety shines through every roof replacement and repair project, whether it’s for a residential home, commercial building, church, or barn. It ensures every roof is durable and backs it up with a 10-year service guarantee for your peace of mind. Sherriff-Goslin’s branch managers and sales team members, many of whom have been with the organization for over 25 years, consistently deliver on their promises, earning them hundreds of 5-star ratings from satisfied customers. These professionals have done it all, from dog houses to architectural roofing, completing over 250,000 roofing projects. Sherriff-Goslin Roofing also specializes in windows, siding, gutters, and storm damage repairs. It has an office in Lafayette that you can contact to schedule a free inspection.

Top 10 Movers in Lafayette, IN

Siding Services

  • Installation
  • Repair
  • Stone


top 10 ranked siding in lafayette 2024 sherriff goslin roofing lafayette in
top 10 ranked siding in lafayette 2023 sherriff goslin roofing lafayette in
top 10 ranked siding in lafayette 2022


3151 Summer St, Lafayette, IN, 47909
(765) 474-6820
Sherriff-Goslin Roofing has a fabulous rating compared to all siding companies nationwide. Compared to all siding companies in Lafayette, IN, Sherriff-Goslin Roofing is a top 10 ranked siding installers. To see the best siding installers in Lafayette, IN, click HERE.
  • In 2024, Sherriff-Goslin Roofing was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Lafayette, IN.
  • In 2023, Sherriff-Goslin Roofing was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Lafayette, IN.
  • In 2022, Sherriff-Goslin Roofing was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Lafayette, IN.
Sherriff-Goslin Roofing offers installation, repair and stone siding services.
To get an immediate quote, Click HERE or text “MOVE” to (512) 877-8520.
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