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Rodeffer Roofing

Ranked Top 10 Best Siding Contractors in Muncie, IN

Rodeffer Roofing

Fabulous! based on 100+ data points.
The CLAD Siding Rating Index (CSRI) is an impartial score of the best siding contractors in a city.

About Rodeffer Roofing

Rodeffer Roofing is a beacon of reliability and expertise in the roofing industry. Every time it sets out to do a job, it goes above and beyond to get it done right. Rodeffer’s seasoned team of professionals brings years of experience and skill to each project, tackling even the most complex roofing challenges with precision and efficiency. It meticulously focuses on the details, ensuring that every aspect of the project is carefully considered and executed to the highest standards. As an Owens Corning Preferred Contractor, Rodeffer offers top-notch asphalt shingles backed by a remarkable 50-year warranty. In addition, it provides specialized services covering metal and flat roof installations, commercial roof coatings, siding solutions, and storm damage repairs. This firm stays ahead of the curve by incorporating the latest techniques and technologies. It has served Muncie and East Central Indiana since 2011, maintaining an exceptional A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Top 10 Movers in Muncie, IN

Siding Services

  • Installation
  • Repair
  • Vinyl
  • Metal
  • Brick


top 10 ranked siding in muncie 2024 rodeffer roofing inc
top 10 ranked siding in muncie 2023 rodeffer roofing inc
top 10 ranked siding in muncie 2022
top 10 ranked siding in muncie 2021


12740 W IN-32, Parker City, IN, 47368
(765) 325-7663
Rodeffer Roofing has a fabulous rating compared to all siding companies nationwide. Compared to all siding companies in Muncie, IN, Rodeffer Roofing is a top 10 ranked siding installers. To see the best siding installers in Muncie, IN, click HERE.
  • In 2024, Rodeffer Roofing was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Muncie, IN.
  • In 2023, Rodeffer Roofing was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Muncie, IN.
  • In 2022, Rodeffer Roofing was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Muncie, IN.
  • In 2021, Rodeffer Roofing was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Muncie, IN.
Rodeffer Roofing offers installation, repair, vinyl, metal and brick siding services.
To get an immediate quote, Click HERE or text “MOVE” to (512) 877-8520.
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