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Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc.

Ranked Top 10 Best Siding Contractors in Salem, OR

Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc.

Superb! based on 200+ data points.
The CLAD Siding Rating Index (CSRI) is an impartial score of the best siding contractors in a city.

About Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc.

Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc. is a well-established company in Albany, OR. Founded in 1968, it has provided roofing and siding services in the Mid-Willamette Valley for over half a century. One key factor that sets Stutzman and Kropf apart is its commitment to superior service, reliability, and first-rate repairs and replacements. It has the expertise to handle various roofing and siding jobs, whether it’s a small restoration work for a single-family home or a large-scale installation for a commercial building. All products are sourced from trusted manufacturers like CertainTeed, IKO, GAF, Kaycan, and James Hardie. These brands are known for their durability, performance, and aesthetic appeal, ensuring customers have access to high-quality exterior solutions. Whether you need roofing or siding services, Stutzman and Kropf Contractors is the right choice. This team will see to it that your project is completed with precision and exceeds industry standards.

Top 10 Movers in Salem, OR

Siding Services

  • Installation
  • Repair
  • Metal
  • Fiber Cement


top 10 ranked siding in salem 2024 stutzman and kropf contractors inc
top 10 ranked siding in salem 2023 stutzman and kropf contractors inc
top 10 ranked siding in salem 2022
top 10 ranked siding in salem 2021


1954 Rye St SE, Albany, OR, 97322
(541) 752-1961
Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc. has a superb rating compared to all siding companies nationwide. Compared to all siding companies in Salem, OR, Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc. is a top 10 ranked siding installers. To see the best siding installers in Salem, OR, click HERE.
  • In 2024, Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc. was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Salem, OR.
  • In 2023, Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc. was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Salem, OR.
  • In 2022, Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc. was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Salem, OR.
  • In 2021, Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc. was voted as a top 10 siding contractor in Salem, OR.
Stutzman and Kropf Contractors Inc. offers installation, repair, metal and fiber cement siding services.
To get an immediate quote, Click HERE or text “MOVE” to (512) 877-8520.
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